Brushed Stone

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Brushed Stone tiles

A brushed stone tile has a smooth finish with an attractive luster, it gives a natural worn look. Brushed stone tiles can be filled or unfilled.

Brushing is a process in which wire, diamond tipped brushes sweep the stone tile. If the stone tiles are to be brushed and filled, an epoxy resin is used to fill any natural holes before the brushing takes place. Stone tiles also come brushed and unfilled in which the natural holes are left unfilled during the brushing process. These crevices can either be filled during grouting by using a slurry grouting technique or left unfilled which gives a more rustic appearance, to achieve this the stone tile would have to be pointed rather than slurry grouted. Please see our how to grout guide for more information on grouting techniques.

Brushing a popular finish for Travertine tiles and Sandstone tiles.

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